Directed by Cathal Cleary (Druid’s Furniture), Padraic Walsh’s Blue Thunder is an immersive, site-specific show, staged entirely within an actual minibus for just 12 audience members per performance.
It’s 3am in small-town Ireland. The nightclub is closed. The chipper is chaotic. And down a dark, quiet side-street, exhausted taxi-driver Brian is sitting in his minibus, finished work for the night.
But then his two drunk sons call, demanding a lift home. They arrive at Brian’s taxi full of booze, songs and stories. It soon becomes clear, though, that one of the lads has a plan to do something horrendous, something unforgivable, tonight. Can his father and his brother stop him or is he about to destroy his life?
This is the Irish Premiere of Blue Thunder, the winner of the Vault Festival London Innovation Award 2019. Funny, frightening and deeply moving, Padraic Walsh’s award-winning play examines what happens when the people who should be there for you have nothing left to give.
“Padraic Walsh’s engrossing play…the audience is eyeball to eyeball with the actors” Lyn Gardner, Stagedoor
“Rare, true, profound. Full of pathos, amazement and excitement” Framed Magazine
“A fluidity to the performances that is simultaneously elegant and grotesque, skilled and contained, they say as much in stillness as they do in chaos” **** – The Irish Times
“Treat of a show, sharply written, perfectly directed and brilliantly acted. If it comes near you, grab a ticket for this wonderful ride”- Irish Independent
“an impressive and at times powerful piece of theatre” – No More Workhorse
Written by Padraic Walsh
A Cathal Cleary Theatre and Kelly Phelan co-production